SiR produces free compliance tips guide

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Standards in Recruitment (SIR) has produced a free guide on the six most overlooked compliance procedures and how to resolve them.

SiR says the guide has been written to help recruitment businesses, whatever their size, to operate within the relevant legislation.  The free guide is available to download from the SiR website at

John Randall, engagement director for SiR, said, “Being compliant does not need to be complex but sometimes it’s easy to overlook small yet important processes. We are not trying to teach recruitment businesses to ‘suck eggs’ but we understand that when a company is rushing to meet deadlines, sometimes things can get overlooked.  I believe the six examples we have identified will help recruitment businesses, whatever their size, operate within the relevant regulations.

“The guide offers real-life examples that recruitment businesses will recognise. Each example outlines a typical scenario and concludes with how they can be addressed.

“For example, it’s important that a recruitment business has valid opt out from the Conduct Regulations. This is essential if a recruiter wishes to withhold payment from a contractor because it has not been paid by a Hirer. In addition, often overlooked is the need for a company to make sure that the information on their website properly identifies them and includes information that is required by law.

“Standards in Recruitment (SiR) has produced this guide to in response to the increasingly compliance-driven world in which recruitment businesses now have to operate and we are confident that businesses will find it a helpful resource.”

This article first appeared in Recruitment International – 29 February 2016

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