How to demonstrate that you are a trusted recruitment business

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With numerous laws and regulations governing recruitment and employment businesses, compliance must be high on any recruiters list of priorities. It not only improves internal efficiencies and your business profile, but also helps avoid complaints and investigations, not to mention the potential harm to business reputation.

Standards in Recruitment (SiR), the independent compliance and accreditation service in the recruitment space, exists for recruiters of all shapes and sizes that want to demonstrate their compliance credentials.  With a pathway programme designed to help the less ready, through to a certification that validates all the key compliance processes, a SIR accreditation on your marketing material provides real benefits as it:

  • Validates compliance with legal, contractual and sector requirements;
  • Demonstrates you operate consistent and reliable working practices with a commitment to quality and continuous improvement;
  • Provides a USP – displaying the SiR ‘mark of excellence’ logo on your company website and in your marketing collateral, will increase market-awareness amongst clients and candidates;
  • Assures clients and candidates that you are an effective, trusted and highly compliant recruitment business;
  • Drives business and improves your prospects in the tendering and PSL process appealing to clients including MSP, Vendor and RPO 2nd tier selection;
  • Maximises operational potential and minimises risk by confirming that your management and operation systems are robust;
  • Boosts working culture, confidence and motivation to achieve better overall performance;
  • Avoids the need for further client driven audit, potentially saving time and cost.

Free guide

Download our free guide that provides practical advice to help identify six of the most commonly overlooked recruitment compliance procedures and how to address them.



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