The SiR programme helps recruitment agencies to achieve good business practice as painlessly and cost effectively as possible.

As well as addressing the regulatory aspects of recruitment the Standards themselves reflect the rules of engagement that your clients and candidates expect, effectively working as a blueprint for you to use to your advantage.

Step 1

On application you receive the Standards and accompanying guidance notes, so you can see the pathway to improvement.

Step 2

Discuss the Standards and guidance notes with colleagues to ensure corporate buy-in. Contact us if you have any questions. Let us know when your business is ready to move onto each stage of the process, either gap analysis or final audit.

Step 3

The optional gap analysis, an onsite pre ‘MoT’ undertaken by an independent recruitment business auditor. The outcome builds confidence, helps with fine tuning and gives you the thumbs up that you are ready for the final legal and onsite accreditation audit.

Step 4

The final audit takes place in two parts, legal assessment and onsite review. On successful completion of both you will be awarded a certification and given the use of the SiR ‘quality mark’ a well-deserved flag to fly, and a significant marketing asset.

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