Whether you are looking for a recruitment agency to find permanent staff…

or to engage temporary or contract agency workers through a first, second or multi-tier supply chain, SiR accreditation is a sign of quality assurance which should help you easily identify recruitment agencies that are committed to a universal set of quality standards.

Suitable to help both employers and vendor management businesses, the accreditation is robust and provides genuine verification that the business complies with standards set by like-minded employers and agency hirers. The standards and the SiR programme have been developed through agency and hirer participation to address weaknesses in identifying compliance. For more about the accreditation see ‘about SiR’ which explains the standards, the audit and accreditation.

Working with a SiR accredited company means:

  • Genuine verification of excellence
  • Assists in tender assessment and creation of PSL
  • Comprehensive standards meet the expectations of hirers and candidates
  • Demonstrates consistent and reliable working practices
  • Verifies compliance with legal and contractual requirements
  • Quickly identifies businesses that offer the services you require
  • Validates published services, testimonials and experience
  • Supports recommendations
  • Improved user experience
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